I've never ate out as much as i have in the last week. thanks for blessing me friends!

So the time is almost at hand for my departure. i know its going to fly by because i'm still working for the next two days and then i have only one day to run errands and pack all that stuff i've been half-thinking about.

it's going to be so good to be on my way, buckled into that metal bird.

(does anyone else get creeped out by the thought
that there is NOTHING underneath them but a lot
of air and then
ground ?)

so i'll try to keep this thing updated with whats going on and MAYBE i'll even post pictures for you guys. i know you all want to see where i am so we can all wonder together why we choose to live in canada.(be honest, at least you wonder in the middle of january.)

i had a great night tonight, having the fam over, AND hearing stephs sweet voice again. its so good to see everyone.
i also stood up in front of the church today and spoke. gah. i'm kinda happy agnes only asked me right before the service. i'm not much for that kind of thing. (at least i'm still telling myself that).

this trip feels like its a long one, although i know its going to fly by. i think that's because i have very little planned beyond the end of march and thus, my thoughts about my life only stretch that far.
my entire life is before me, and it's about 7 weeks long.

i'll try to write you guys a story on the plane ride. stay posted.
(am i going to regret saying this?)


i'm on the verge of making a covenant with myself that i won't write anything public after 10:00 p.m. because usually i am embarassed by what i said come morning. thankfully this is being posted at 9:59 so i have absolutely no worries.


JuliaD said...

I always find it amusing that North Americans go crazy over Europe and vice versa. Europeans can never understand why we would want to visit, never mind live in, Europe. lol. the grass is always greener...

Anonymous said...

LOTS of pictures please! And maybe keep a diary. If you do, you'll really be glad you did in years to come.
Love, Mom

Anonymous said...

Crystal! Are you excited to go? I had wanted to see you, but I don't think it's going to work out! :( Just wanted to say that I'll be praying for you and I'm sure it'll be awesome! Love you!

Crystal said...

why wouldn't we want to go to europe? sheesh!

i've already picked out a journal... one i've been afraid to write in because its so pretty. ;) hopefully a pretty place will deserve writing in it

thanks reb! i am getting excited... leaving so soon!

jim said...

i hope you have a fun trip sis.
love yah, be safe.