"... The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much." -james 5:16 NKJV
Hello all of you fervent righteous men and women out there. I bring glad tidings of great joy that will be for all of my townsfolk: I can work at the bank when I come home!!
I found out, slightly awkwardly, at our monthly teller meeting, and it's such an answer to prayer. Now I just need to deal with my thoughts that go something like, "but what if I never want to leave Switzerland?".
I was contemplating living in Switzerland tonight and I think it's probably not for me. I mean, where do people who live in Switzerland go for vacations? I would much rather live in a place where anywhere seems like a vacation (even if it's only 2 hours south of here).
All joking aside, I love my hometown. There is nothing like it. I've found out that we have a culture all of our own and it's not to be duplicated. I don't know where I would ever find such beautiful, fun... eccentric... people that get where I'm coming from. Can you believe that people even only several provinces away from here have no idea what a Mennonite accent sounds like? I know, it's a stretch, but believe me. I've been there and back again to tell the tale. It's just weird, nay?
There are other things I want to post about but I'm just going to try to make them short:
1. mel squished my face (mainly my chin) the other day and hours later I looked in the mirror only to discover my chin was bruised! thanks mel... she just kept saying "ooo... i want to hurt you!". it didn't hurt that much but lesson learned. it doesn't need to hurt to bruise.
2. I spent most of my weekend fun-time snowmobiling at our mentor retreat. I also spent most of my weekend fun-time looking like i was having the time of my life. and I was. the guys gave me a pretty hard time about all of my giggling. chasing each other through forests and jumping rivers just gets me all riled up.
3. we (meaning the youth mentors) played quelf and it was just so much fun. I don't know if there is some sort of code about this game... you know, things acted out won't be shared outside of the circle type thing, but it was hilarious. if you haven't heard of the game, look into it.
4. I'm beginning to think maybe my clothes will pack themselves... or I'll just deal with finding a change of clothes once I get there. Thoughts?
5. I never thought I was a morning person, but I've begun to realize I'm really not a night person. I told the other mentors that I am a morning person, but I just have a hard time getting out of bed for it. maybe if I go to bed earlier... I can get up earlier... hmmm.
6. I don't have a sixth. so goodnight! oh and wow, thanks for all the comments on the last post. you guys sure know how to make a girl feel loved.
10:01 p.m. | |
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that's awesome about your job crystal!!! congratulations!
Wow, that's great news about your job! You must feel relieved. Glad you had fun on your weekend retreat too, Nathan was telling me about snowmobiling and it sounded like lots of fun.
job shmob....did you take a picture of the damage i did to your chin??? sometimes, i don't even know my own strength
i didn't actually mean job shmob...i am pumped for you :)
Bring clothes...everything is stinkin' expensive in Switzerland! I've been there twice.
Only five more days to take off! I'm feeling the stress level?? excitement for you?? mixture of I don't know what... but I'm very happy you are taking this opportunity. It's great that things are falling into place for you. And you are loved very much...for sure!
thanks mom :) love you
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