
We took a trip to Geneva today to get a better history of the city, the reformation, and also a chance to speak with a couple of guys who are involved with human trafficking and the UN. Most of these pictures were taken around the same area; in the cathedral (which mixed different styles of architecture for those of you interested) and also the homes of some pretty big movers and shakers.
This is Johnny. Some of you may recognize the name as the one who was supposed to pick me up from the Gland Train Station. Well he didn't, but he did send someone on his behalf. Johnny is quite the character and has taken to calling me "Manitoba" in his dutch accent. Anyways, this is him getting in front of a great shot.

This is Sarah and I. Sarah is from Texas but she doesn't have big hair. She does however say y'all, which is really just cute. Sarah is a sweetheart who loves photography. She lives on the other side of my wall.

Jean Rousseau's house, just down the street from Jean Calvin.

So we've been learning lots, wrestling with lots, and talking lots. I've met so many people and I am so impressed that i can remember most people's names despite the language gap.

Tomorrow a few girls and I are hopefully going to take a trip to a place... i'm not sure, but i'm totally up for following. should be a good time cause lenneke's planning.

side note: surprised how much of my french is coming back to me. wish i could remember more. but very fun to try to speak to people. we sat by a 13 1/2 (the "et demi" was very important to her) year old girl named charlotte on the way home today and subjected her to various assults of attempted french phrases, most of which were met with "je ne comprends pas..." fun.

watched ratatoee (sp?) tonight, played pool, drank cokacola. played dutch blitz and generally relaxed. next week the real homework begins.

loving you all and missing you greatly... i live for the few messages and comments i get... well it seems like a few cause i check all the time. just wondering what's going on out there. so far all i found out is that i missed sushi but thats no great lose to me (just being honest). keep me informed! love you all!


Jordan said...

Well, this batch of pictures put me over the edge: I'm officially jealous! First Julia checks out Luther's home, and now you get to walk the streets where Calvin lived and worked! I learn this stuff out of textbooks, and you get to be there in person! I would love to tour those old churches sometime, so much important history there to be learned. If you smuggle me an old stained glass window home in your suitcase I would be eternally grateful.

Also, good to read you're learning and struggling through tough issues. It's hard but also an important part of following in His footsteps. Have a great trip, Manitoba.

Anonymous said...

Wow! The stained glass windows are so extraordinary and beautiful. I've been working for months an a few lampshades! Those windows look like they took YEARS to make.
Thank you for sharing these experiences!

Anonymous said... glad to hear you are getting to see the country. We're enjoying Missionfest this weekend. blessings marge xoxoxo

Kyla Donkersgoed said...

HERE'S A COMMENT FOR YOU!!! Crystal, you are the best and I am so pumped for you an this adventure. You'll have it in your heart for a lifetime so cherish every moment! AND here comes the obvious but I will say it anyways...I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU!!! O and you have the most beautiful heart...and face. hehehe. Yeah I threw that one in there. I am going home on may 12 will you be home by then?

Kyla Donkersgoed said...

i amsl ohave to write another commetn because the word verification for this one is mulgins. I think I liek that word.

Keanan said...

Ratatouille! Loved that movie!

Man, those huge churches are amazing. How humans built that with the tools they did is just mind boggling. Unfortunately, you have to wonder how many people attend them these days in Europe...

So enjoy you time left in Switzerland! I'm heading out there next year at the end of March, and I'm excited already! :)

PS- I've had to stop buying Biscotti at church. There's no one to count my quarters! :P

Johnny, Karine & Maria Elisabeth Koster said...

German accent Manitoba, but for you "northamericans" that is what you think Dutch accents sound like anyway, so ok.
Tomorrow we'll probably watch a dancemovie. Do you like that?

Roo said...

manitoba!! did you tell him is FRIENDLY manitoba. :)

lovely photos. those european churches are da best, heh?

sooooo pretty. reminds me of that steeple church in st adolphe....everytime we pass it shiloh says, "mom! i yuv dat church. i want to doe dere"

:) it ain't not european cathedral but it does have a steeple.

Anonymous said...

I'm loving your blog, Crystal - the sights you are getting to see and the historic places you are visiting are incredible! Wow!
Don't stay gone too long, though - ok?...we miss you....but do squeeze everything you can out of your time there! I look forward to hearing more of your adventures.

schnicole said...

mark and josiah embarrassed me publicly the night we did sushi. You did miss a good few moments. Dont worry, youll be home again at some point and we can be publicly embarrassed together once again. (btw, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!^ you know)