Hello all! Time for more pictures! (everything has just been so beautiful, i can't help but share.)

So yesterday was Saturday and a few girls decided they didn't want to be stuck at the base for the entire weekend with nothing to do. We checked out our options, and due to the immense generosity of some base staff we were off to Montreux to check out the Chateau du Chillon. It was a bit of a dreary day, but because we were lower down, beside Lake Geneva, it was more rainy than snowy.

This is what the view was supposed to look like:
and it was a little more like:
but we were not to be deterred.

It was a beautiful place despite the weather and actually quite a historic place. apparently lord byron wrote about one of the men that was a prisoner here? hey english majors, help me out here. know what i'm talking about?
So i got pretty lost after a while. I didn't realize how unorganized castles could seem... like a maze of rooms, corridors, vaults, etc.

We finally finished the tour, a little cold (some colder than others) and all pretty hungry. we checked out the courtyard and then headed out. it was beautiful and i can only imagine how wonderful it would have been if the sun was shining. but i'm trying not to think about that.


Anonymous said...

Was that little corner with the iron lattice a prison cell? Two of the girls look like they may be sisters? Looks like an opportunity of a lifetime to see all this.
Thanks for keeping everyone up-to-date. It's fun to see what you're seeing.
Love, Mom

Roo said...

ok.....but have you tasted THE CHOCOLATE! ? ;)

schnicole said...

my sis in law (who was with my brother at the same ywam base youre at) said that the more stinky-er and revolting smelling the sheese,t he better it tastes. She said plug your nose and taste the best cheese ever.

Kyla Donkersgoed said...

crystal!! I miss your smile :)

schnicole said...

are you still watching community channel on youtube?

Crystal said...

no nic, i haven't in a while. we'll have to catch up when i get home.

mom, that was a door to the lake or something... not sure. emergency exit?

ruth, i HAVE tasted the chocolate... at least some of it. we got some in our welcome packages... i've been having nutella every morning :S

the cheese is stinky.

Anonymous said...

Happy Valentine!