Thanks for all of your feedback! It's only been a day... it's so awesome to know so many people want to make a difference!

Anyways, feel free to keep emailing me about your interest; if you have ideas or projects that are already going on in town or ideas that are just in your thoughts and you want to work them out.



Anonymous said...

One thing I believe is true that there are mission fields almost anywhere on this earth if we will just allow ourselves to see. Even in our local church. But it's definitely a blessing to actually go and do what it takes to get involved in other people's lives to do what Jesus wants done. It just looks like we're going to lose too much if we launch out. However we gain so much in joy if we do, though we also seem to suffer tests & trials so much more. In the process and the end the rewards are worth it all. Thanks for bearing with my musings.

Roo said...

.....they need sunday school teachers at church......

Anonymous said...

Parking halfway on the sidewalk would never work in would mean they'd have to keep the sidewalks clear of snow - not gonna happen. ;)
Loving reading your blog - you are having such an awesome adventure! Very cool!