# 100

(this is my hundredth post)

People, I am so encouraged right now.

I've been learning about God's heart, you see. How he's interested in saving the world. It's a big plan, and I wonder, "What am I supposed to do about that?".

It's just that the problems go deep, branching into the very heart and mind of culture. How do I affect culture anyways? It's not tangible. It's an idea, and invisible structure of living.

I am coming home soon (it seems soon to me anyways), and I'm wondering if maybe my call isn't to change the "outside" world's culture.
Maybe it's to come home with a wake-up call, a call to change our culture, my culture.

I live a comfortable life.
I have a savings account.
Don't you?
Well, that's a luxury most MOST MOST! people can not afford.

I eat food, good Mennonite food, and go out to the movies with my friends.
I enjoy my life, exploring who God is, trying to find out who I am, and spending lots of time chatting with friends on subjects way over my head.

I sometimes see World Vision on Sunday afternoons when I don't have anything to do.
I sit there with my lazy post-church pre-metaschlop (how on earth is that spelt?) meal, oh so cozy on the couch.

I might shed a tear (or a few) because it's hard to watch small children look so very thin.

I shut off the t.v. when my food is gone, and I find another way to entertain myself.


I feel so overwhelmed looking at the problems. I cry, and then I don't do anything.

Everytime I don't do something, my heart gets a little harder.

I think,

"What's the point? What can my little quiet cozy life do? I'm not equiped to change the world."

After all,
I don't really have the time.
I don't really have the money.
I don't really have the information.


1. I sleep approximately 9 hours a night - a luxury most working women in developing countries don't have as they provide for the needs of their families. I spend hours on facebook (lets not get into that one). I have my evenings kept free just in case my friends want to do something. I only work 8 hours a day (not 12... or 15...) and usually don't work overtime. I can chose to work overtime if I feel like having a little extra cash.

2. I work. I HAVE A JOB (this is huge!). I live in Canada where there are minimum wages... how much is it now? 8 bucks/hour? I don't even make minimum wage, pulling in over a months work for some people in an hour or two. I can afford to buy pretty clothes, movie tickets, gifts for my friends., plane tickets to foreign countries etc.

3. Google. Wikipedia. What else can I say?


I'm trying to get over my excuses. Why am I not doing anything? I'm not sure anymore...

What can I really hide behind?

After all, I have FAR more to work with than 95% of the world population.

Who is better equiped than me? Who is better equiped than you?

I'm hoping to come home with some practical application. Don't worry... I'm aware that big ideas are hard to work with. I know all too well.

But believe it or not, there are already people working out there.
Doing big things... and struggling without support. without my support.

Want to make a difference?

Talk to me.

I'm going to come home, and we can work out how to make a difference together. :)

Love, Crystal.


Becky said...

You go girl! very inspiring:)

Roo said...

i love you crystal.
i am so proud of you.
you are gonna change the world.
inch by inch and one moment at a time. xo

Roo said...

ahh. i love this post so much i had to come and read it all over again.

Anonymous said...

Reminds me of the story of the little boy throwing the starfish back into the sea to save them....a man asked him why bother when there were so many starfish littering the beach, as the little boy couldn't save them all - what difference was it making saving a few? "It makes a difference to this one" said the boy as he threw another one back in. We can't change it for every one of them....but we can make a difference for the ones we do touch. You go girl...follow His heart and you will make a difference for the ones you touch.